I wanted to share with you some news I recently received. The Center for Wine Origins just announced their new class of Wine Location Specialists, and guess who’s on that list? Me!

I'll cheers to that!
You may be wondering, that’s great Mary, but what does that mean?
According to their press release:
“Wine Location Specialists pass a comprehensive exam that tests their knowledge on the Champagne and Port appellations as well as important winemaking and grape growing standards. Those who pass are accredited by the appellations and certified to lead wine education seminars, tastings and dinners specific to the Champagne and Port regions,” explains Sam Heitner, director of the Center for Wine Origins. “Our Wine Location Specialists are important ambassadors of our campaign here in the United States. They are active in ensuring more U.S. consumers are educated about the importance of location and have hosted tastings and education seminars, and have written articles about Port, Champagne and why it is important to know where your wine comes from.”
Basically, it means I’m now certified by the Center for Wine Origins to lead and instruct classes, seminars, and events on Champagne and Port. (I think it also certifies me as a Rock Star for being able to find time to study for this certification while juggling diaper changes, feedings, and all other things related to taking care of twin babies!)
If you have read even one post on this blog you probably know that I am obsessed with all things bubbles, with Champagne being my favorite wine in the world. This certification gives me more reason to get out and spread my love for Champagne and now Port as well. How cool is that?!
For more information on the Center for Wine Origins or to read the press release about the new class of Wine Location Specialists please click here.
Cheers everyone and have a fantastic 4th of July Weekend!
I’m off to see about some lobster in Maine. Stay tuned
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Congratulations, Mary! What an honor for a wine professional from my (former, maybe future) state of Connecticut!
Thank you very much! Definitely give a holler next time your in Connecticut!
Fantastic news! Congratulations! And yes, amazing that you were able to study while juggling mommy duty, too!
Hmmm. This is just another reason to hunt you down and listen to whatever you have to share at WBC in three weeks.
Thanks! Looking forward to meeting you in a couple weeks! Cheers
YAHOO! That’s amazing Mary!
Now…what do you say about our BeezleBubblez? heheh
Funny you should mention! It’s been in the fridge for the past couple days. We’re planning to open our first bottle tonight! Mmmm bubbles.