The region of Friuli–Venezia Giulia (Friuli for short) in northeast Italy is a special place leaving those who have visited a longing to return. In a series of back and forth emails I had on the region with writer Elaine Brown from Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews she wrote, “In Friuli I felt this deep calm [...]
Where to begin with writing about Friuli? The land? The wine? The food? The prosciutto? Oh the prosciutto! Ok, let’s just start with the wine since there’s no lack of great wine in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. After spending a week in the region I found it difficult to sum up even the wines from here into [...]
by Mary on April 25, 2013
After my brief time in Croatia I headed to a region in Northeast Italy I had never been before – Friuli–Venezia Giulia (Friuli for short). Friuli’s tourist board describes this land best in this description: Alps and the Adriatic symbolize the two extremes of a multi-faceted and changing landscape, Italian, Slavic and Germanic cultures meet [...]