
This is another special week here for Friday Favorites, and a bit of a deviation from the usual weekly favorites. First of all, today marks the first “official” day of summer, which makes me the happiest person on earth. This picture has been my cover photo on Facebook since winter.  After enduring another rough snowy […]


The region of Friuli–Venezia Giulia (Friuli for short) in northeast Italy is a special place leaving those who have visited a longing to return.   In a series of back and forth emails I had on the region with writer Elaine Brown from Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews she wrote, “In Friuli I felt this deep calm […]


A roundup of some of my favorite things this week in the categories of wine, food, travel, and lifestyle. Food  The Ultimate Pulled Pork Sandwiches, and updated blog pics My husband’s favorite thing to smoke is pork butt.  It was one of the first things he ever tried after he bought his smoker, and remains […]

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During my walking tour of Zagreb I mentioned that huge blue umbrella, bearing the “licitar” heart logo of the city, would eventually see its demise.  Well that happened in the town of Cividale del Friuli, at the exact time I decided to finally embrace the cold wet weather. Our group had spent the morning indoors, visiting […]


Where to begin with writing about Friuli?  The land? The wine? The food? The prosciutto? Oh the prosciutto! Ok, let’s just start with the wine since there’s no lack of great wine in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.  After spending a week in the region I found it difficult to sum up even the wines from here into […]


When I first started studying wine seriously, the country that intimidated me the most was Italy.  Other countries, like France, made sense to me.  All you needed to do was learn the strict rules of each region and you’re set.  Italy is different. In Italy each region has its own set of rules and guidelines. […]


First of all I need to point out the elephant in the room – my pictures this week.  My least favorite moment of this week was when my toddlers decided to make my Canon EOS Rebel XTi their new toy (i.e. they broke it).   I think my kids are mind readers and knew I was […]


Friday Favorites — Mom Time

by on April 26, 2013

Some of my favorites from the week in the categories of wine, food, travel, and lifestyle. My mom is here this week, so this post is dedicated to her. FOOD My Mom’s Red Chile Sauce My mom is visiting this week from Arizona.  I’ve managed to get quite a few recipes written down from her […]


After my brief time in Croatia I headed to a region in Northeast Italy I had never been before – Friuli–Venezia Giulia (Friuli for short).  Friuli’s tourist board describes this land best in this description: Alps and the Adriatic symbolize the two extremes of a multi-faceted and changing landscape, Italian, Slavic and Germanic cultures meet […]


Some of my favorites from the week in the categories of wine, food, travel, and lifestyle. I haven’t had travel on the mind lately, so this week it is left out. WINE NV Ferrari Brut Trento DOC, Italy $25 (Media Sample) I usually avoid comparing sparkling wines made outside of Champagne to actual Champagne.  Good […]

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