by Mary on December 29, 2012
This isn’t meant to be a “what to drink for New Year’s” post, or a “top sparkling wines of the year” list by any means! If you’ve read more than one blog post here you know sparkling is my favorite style of wine, I drink them year round, and write about them year round. Instead, […]
by Mary on December 21, 2012
As you may remember, earlier this year I was invited to go on a press trip to Congac, sponsored by the Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC), as a result of a writing contest I won (you can read that piece here). In short, the trip was amazing and Cognac is a breathtaking city. Not […]
by Mary on December 13, 2012
This time of year everybody seems to be weighing in on the best wines to buy as gifts. With any type of gift (wine related or not) I believe the process should be as uncomplicated and stress free as possible. Whenever I am asked for wine gift ideas (any time of the year) I simply […]
by Mary on December 6, 2012
A few months back my husband made me proud. He remembered a simple lesson I shared with someone about how not to get overwhelmed when shopping for wine. “When all else fails, just remember the names of a few great importers”. If you don’t have a good relationship with a wine steward (or there is […]