BK (“before kids”) I used to spend a great deal of my free time either cooking, planning what I want to be cooking, or shopping for ingredients. I would spend my weekend mornings watching The Food Network, flipping through food magazines, and coordinating a way to spend my afternoon cooking. I used to frequent the […]
Sassy Spring White Wines
by Mary on May 23, 2011
Here in New England I don’t think we are alone in finally being able to embrace and celebrate spring. It seems to be late everywhere in the country! Geez! After rain, rain, and more rain, I’m ready to bust out the grill, start embracing the freshness of springtime, and get my gardening gloves on, stat! […]
A Mother’s Day Toast
by Mary on May 8, 2011
This year for Mother’s Day I wanted to celebrate some of the important women in my life by enjoying the beverage that most reminds me of them. To my sisters, who have become such incredible mothers themselves and models for many of the things I do with my own boys, I will start my day […]