by Mary on April 27, 2011
You won’t find me complaining about how much I miss Oregon this month. At least based on reading Facebook posts from friends complaining how much rain the state has received over the last month. Excessive rain = unhappy me. But ask me again this summer when it is 90 degrees and 90% humidity here in […]
by Mary on April 21, 2011
As you may have noticed this blog has received a bit of a makeover. For the last two years I have been blogging at but I realized it was finally time for a change. A fresh start so to speak. Since the day I started this blog my life has changed in many ways […]
I have a soft spot in my heart for companies that give directly back to their communities and support worthy causes. So when I heard about the Charity Case Foundation I was instantly wondering; wine + good causes… how could I not be curious?! According to their website: The Charity Case Foundation is a movement […]