by Mary on November 30, 2009
The Holiday Season is officially here (wohoo), and along with that comes the decorations, music, lights, shopping, and my favorite part, the holiday parties! Parties filled with good friends, good food, good wine, and holiday cocktails. Now we all know sparkling wine is one of my favorite beverages, but this time of year I like […]
by Mary on November 25, 2009
Last week I had the opportunity to go to Chicago and attend the Food & Wine Magazine Entertaining Showcase. The event took place on November 16th at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Approximately 20 local chefs, including some that were highlighted in Food & Wine's annual "Best New Chefs" feature, presented sample dishes to guests […]
Finding My Muse: The Condado de Haza Ribera Del Duero
by Mary on November 18, 2009
Wine Blogging Wednesday #63 This months Wine Blogging Wednesday topic, selected by Rob Bralow of Wine Post, was to choose a wine you know well and have enjoyed many times, but have never written about. In addition we were supposed to time how long we enjoyed the wine, and take double that amount of time […]
Donati Family Vineyards
by Mary on November 16, 2009
This post is long overdue. I first encountered the wines of Donati Family Vineyards when I attended the Wine Bloggers Conference (WBC) last July. I happened to be in search for a roommate when I met Brandy Bell, of Donati Family Vineyards, through the WBC forum and we formally met at the conference where I had the opportunity […]
by Mary on November 10, 2009
Right around this time of the year many people begin to stress about what wines to pair with Thanksgiving dinner. If you’re one of those people, you’re not alone. It can be daunting when thinking about what to pair with all of the many dishes that go into this celebratory meal. When it comes to […]
Ideas To Get You Through Winter
by Mary on November 3, 2009
It’s no big secret that I’m not a fan of winter. The Holiday Season? Yes, of course I love that, but once January hits, it seems as if it’s just long months of cold, darkness, and long hours spent anxiously awaiting next summer to arrive while daydreaming of tropical beaches and Mai Tais. A couple […]