August 2009

It is late August and I suddenly find myself with an overabundance of tomatoes and basil in my garden.  Trying to figure out something fun to do with them I decided to make a homemade Pizza Margherita.  I was so blown away by the simplicity of this recipe and yet how incredibly delicious it came […]


The perfect bubbles for a Girls’ Night!

by on August 24, 2009

Yesterday was one of those perfect summer afternoons with temperatures in the low 80’s, sunny, slightly breezy… basically the perfect day to be outside.  For me, when the weather is this nice I love nothing more than to just relax in my backyard, in the sun, while enjoying the company of good friends, over a […]


Vegas Baby, Vegas

by on August 23, 2009

What do you do when your girlfriend calls you and asks, "You want to go to Vegas for the weekend?"  Clearly the answer should be yes, but first a little context about what Vegas means to me…. I don’t think anybody can disagree that Las Vegas is a pretty exciting place, whether you gamble or […]


So you want to work in a vineyard, huh???

by on August 19, 2009

How many times have you (or someone you know) said “oh how cool would it be to own or work in a vineyard”?  Don’t lie; you know you’ve said it at least once!  I am here today to tell you a little story about how UN-sexy it is to work in a vineyard.  Only technically […]


Who’s Your Julia?

by on August 15, 2009

I woke up yesterday in a pretty crappy mood.  After moping around the house for a while feeling sad, for no apparent reason, I decided I needed to cheer myself up so I treated myself to a movie, Julie & Julia, all by myself.  It was “that” kind of day.  I’ve been waiting for months […]


The final day of the Wine Bloggers Conference began with three different breakout sessions.  I must say I was somewhat underwhelmed with the options: Legalities of Blogging,  OR   Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media for Wine BusinessMonetization of Your Blog, OR Creating a Social Network for your Winery or Wine BusinessBeyond Words: How Video […]


Summer has returned… and so have the summer wines!

by on August 10, 2009

Portland has had a stream of very weird weather these last few weeks.  We had over a week of smoldering hot weather with above 100-degree temperatures for days in a row, followed by a week of 60-degree temperatures, rain, and clouds.  Come on Portland, can’t we just have a happy medium and enjoy some 80’s […]


It has been almost two weeks since the 2009 Wine Bloggers Conference and I have yet to write about it.  It didn’t help that I spent a week in-between in solitude in the mountains near Sun Valley, Idaho. One would think it would be the perfect opportunity to get caught up and write about my […]