by Mary on February 16, 2012
Up until this weekend if you had asked me about making homemade gnocchi my answer would have been “sure, if by homemade you mean cutting open a vacuumed sealed pack purchased at Trader Joe’s then throwing them into boiling water, then yes I have”. Only there’s nothing truly homemade about that process and in fact [...]
by Mary on February 14, 2012
I am always on the search for quality value wines and you all know I love to cook too. So when my friend Amy, aka the VineSleuth, contacted me for help on her new ebook I jumped at the opportunity. Amy has created a fun and savvy cookbook with recipes by cookbook author and mom [...]
by Mary on August 18, 2011
In my household I have the reputation for being more of a “health nut”, always looking for creative recipes for leaner proteins, loads of veggies, salads and appetizers. Hubby, on the other hand, is all about the meat; constantly trying to get me to eat more. So I was far from surprised when he woke [...]
BK (“before kids”) I used to spend a great deal of my free time either cooking, planning what I want to be cooking, or shopping for ingredients. I would spend my weekend mornings watching The Food Network, flipping through food magazines, and coordinating a way to spend my afternoon cooking. I used to frequent the [...]
by Mary on October 18, 2010
Fall is definitely here. I can tell because I wake up every morning and instantly throw on socks and my UGG boots and yearn for something warm to drink. This is my first fall living in New England and since everybody raves about New England falls I figured I had to go do something quintessentially [...]
by Mary on September 9, 2010
This post is long overdue. I was first inspired to write about this recipe over a year ago when my hubby and I started making it. For some reason it kept getting pushed off, and pushed off. And finally the time has arrived for this, the recipe of all smoker recipes. Our signature recipe. The [...]
A couple weeks back we had some friends over for dinner. The plan, they bring the wine, we come up with food to pair with the wine. They had a couple of nice Italian wines they wanted to drink so our challenge was to come up with something to pair with a ’97 Brunelleo (made [...]
I went berry picking with a friend the other day at Kruger’s Farm on Sauvie Island and after picking an abundance of raspberries we perused their market for additional goodies when I spotted a 10 lb bag of beets. Mind you, I’ve never bought raw beets before, and have just recently grown fond of them. [...]
After the wettest and one of the coldest Junes on record for Portland I’ve been impatiently waiting for some real summer weather to come around… and it finally did, on July 6th. And boy, this week has been quite the scorcher with temperatures into the high 90’s. Finally! And though I can’t celebrate this fabulous [...]
As some of you may have read either here on this blog, facebook, or even twitter, I had an incredible week with my mom, sister, and 3 ½ year old niece while they were visiting. It’s always sad, and even emotional to see family leave. But whenever I miss my mom, I try to cook some [...]